Avatar scuti

Formerly at scuti@teknik.io.

My software projects are now hosted on NotABug/scuti by Peers Community. The programming languages I generally use are C, C++, Python, Lua, and Ada.

J'étudie la lang française.

I also have a basic understanding of Lojban.

5 notes


#lojban(9) #francais(4) #minetest(5) #bookmark(8) #surf(5) #programming(8) #__pages__(5) #leetcode(2)


[no pages]

I incidentally found this article on wiby when I was looking for information about OpenGraph.


"We were promised Strong AI, but instead we got metadata analysis" by Cal Peterson

The page has human readable source, and I copied and added the tags with "og:" to one of my webpages (the one about a vending machine in minetest).

Not feeling enthusiastic about the changes as it turns out OpenGraph is mainly for getting attention on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Discord which I don't have any presence on. But it's more effort to go back and erase the tags from my template.

Also a required property is og:image. For some of my pages, grabbing an image for the sake of a card on social media doesn't make sense. I'm also half-certain any images I use from neocities for og:image may instead get hotlink blocked.

I have to wonder how much of SEO is diverting focus away from creating meaningful content and towards adding metadata formats and gimmicks that may or may not obsolete over time. (Do XML site maps still get used?)


I have been told my writing style is informal or unusual. To offer my perspective, here is an article possibly written by an AI.


"Rabies in Dolphins: Can It Be Transmitted?" authored by "Dylan"

"Dylan" is either an AI or an A+ high school student writing for his English language arts assignment. Literally or figuratively, the result conforms to some rubric or template and does so well even as the writing itself isn't great. It includes or repeats obvious information just like a student trying to meet a word count quota for an assignment.

So I had been writing in a style to come off as human even for things that ordinarily involve a formal writing tone (about my software projects). Maybe as AI writers catch on more, the perspective of informal and conventional formal writing styles will change.

For a comparison, I had found another article on rabies in marine animals but it doesn't spend multiple sentences repeating how a dolphin is unlikely to catch the disease.


