Hier soir, je joué Minetest avec quelqu'un de France. Some noteworthy sentences:
- Je suis déjà mort deux fois. mais pour l'instant je suis en bonne santé.
- On peut en faire quelque chose les toiles d'arraignée ?
- Il ne vaut mieux pas tomber là dedans. On ne retrouverait meme pas les os.
- I already died twice, but for the moment, I am in good health.
- We can do something about the webs of spiders? (We found webs made by monsterous spiders.)
- It is better not to fall in there. We wouldn't even recover the bones. (We found a lava lake.)
The third sentence is an odd phrase that doesn't follow the general rule in that "ne ... pas" wraps around the verb ("faut"); instead, "faut mieux" is negated.
Another way to write "it's better not (to fall)" is
"il vaut mieux ne pas (tomber)".
In this case, the infinitive is just negated with "ne...pas" preceding it.
#minetest #francais