Avatar scuti

Formerly at scuti@teknik.io.

My software projects are now hosted on NotABug/scuti by Peers Community. The programming languages I generally use are C, C++, Python, Lua, and Ada.

J'étudie la lang française.

I also have a basic understanding of Lojban.

37 notes


#lojban(9) #francais(4) #minetest(5) #bookmark(8) #surf(5) #programming(8) #__pages__(5) #leetcode(2)



I tried starting strawberries from seed a few months ago, but I had given up expecting seedlings from this batch of soil and reused it to grow a tomato. Now, I have more strawberry seedlings than I anticipated sprouting.

I've been thinking about how I use search engines because the results are getting worse over time, for both relevance and the sites that tend to occupy the top of the first page.

When I had searched for guitar tabs, a page I had landed on could be summarized as: a generic hook, irrelevant auto-playing YouTube video, a page floater or pop-up soliciting my e-mail address for marketing offers; no actual guitar tabs.

Just as I reference a dictionary on occasion, I reference documentation for unix commands, programming language libraries, and so on. But a common problem I had encountered was online magazines taking precedence over official documentation. The information on the former tends to be outdated or obsolete while the latter doesn't quite snap up keywords and common search terms as well. So a bad habit I want to break is referencing search engine results, and a new habit I will start is to write (even) more notes to myself.

The first step forward: stop searching how to 'git uncommit'. In most cases, what I want is to undo the commit and leave everything intact, so I can re-do the commit message or (un)set my name or e-mail:

git reset --soft HEAD^

I can see a use for undoing the commit and unstaging the changes.

git reset HEAD^

I seldom want to throw out everything and reset to the previous commit:

git reset --hard HEAD^— from https://archive.is/foQbY and finally taking the time to read git reset --help

I have been told my writing style is informal or unusual. To offer my perspective, here is an article possibly written by an AI.


"Rabies in Dolphins: Can It Be Transmitted?" authored by "Dylan"

"Dylan" is either an AI or an A+ high school student writing for his English language arts assignment. Literally or figuratively, the result conforms to some rubric or template and does so well even as the writing itself isn't great. It includes or repeats obvious information just like a student trying to meet a word count quota for an assignment.

So I had been writing in a style to come off as human even for things that ordinarily involve a formal writing tone (about my software projects). Maybe as AI writers catch on more, the perspective of informal and conventional formal writing styles will change.

For a comparison, I had found another article on rabies in marine animals but it doesn't spend multiple sentences repeating how a dolphin is unlikely to catch the disease.



The first time I had to update my code because of how the compiler updated:



Last week, I updated reflex2q3. The update is only because a major version of GCC introduced header dependency changes. That means someone using GCC 11 or greater could not compile my code without making minor changes to the preprocessor directives.

Currently, the issue is resolved on a branch, so the project will be seeing a patch release.




Found out today teknik, the service I have been using for git repositories and e-mail, has shut down.

The choices I have made regarding modern web services have not always been the most conventional or convenient. The recent events still have not changed why I make such choices.

Now that every teknik service I had used is now 404, I re-uploaded many of my repositories to:


What I have noticed about Ada programming tutorials on the web are trivial type definitions that are making things harder to understand than needs to be.

A basic example like "How to read in a file" should have understandable types like strings and should not leave the reader guessing what "Banana" or "Orange" really are.


For self-reference, I wrote the following:



Test post with some of the strawberry plants I've grown in the past.



There are three category of reasons listed. The first is the most concerning, but the other two I am not so concerned about.

(1) The activity feed feature on neocities is cluttered with follow notifications from other users, so I haven't bothered.

(2) I can still use programming languages. (I use python to generate my index page.) The scripts would just run on my personal computer and not a web server.

cppia: a little experiment with libtorrent and peertube.




The extent it works is that it can download videos from peertube using the bittorrent protocol, but it can not contribute bandwidth towards the peertube player.

Before, the problem used to be noncompatibility between webtorrent and bittorrent. (As popular as doing everything in a web browser is, I don't see myself keeping browser tabs open to seed torrents.)

But now the problem is that the peertube player uses something else for its hls player.
