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Leetcode in Ada (#4)

Last Updated 2023 February 07

At some point in time, I had gotten the idea to do leetcode challenges in Ada. Ada was not a language that I knew very well. There are many things in C I can do that I can not do in Ada1, and Ada doesn’t seem to be as supported as other languages.

Sometimes, Linux distros package gnat but not gprbuild. So I haven’t built projects in Ada. Leetcode doesn’t support Ada for running and submitting code either. (When I look at the list of sponsors, I can connect a few dots.) It’s no big deal as I can do without the calendar, points, badges, and other stuff on leetcode beyond the problem sets.

Median of Two Sorted Arrays

Given two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively, return the median of the two sorted arrays.

The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).

(I renamed nums1 to a and nums2 to b.)

The challenge was easy until I tried to meet the O(log(m+n)) condition. Regardless, I implemented the linear solution O(log(((n+m)/2)+1)) which was to merge two lists until the middle was reached. That way I had a simple reference for the optimal solution.

For both functions, I don’t check for an empty sequence (integer array) for either of the parameters because the Ada compiler wasn’t letting me send empty arrays to begin with (going by obvious syntax). sequence also has a range of positive integers for indexes, so it is 1-indexed.

    function partial_merge 
        (a: in sequence; b: in sequence; limit: in integer) 
    return sequence is
        n : integer := a'length + b'length;
        merged :sequence(1 .. limit);
        i  : integer := 1;
        ca : integer := 1;
        cb : integer := 1;
        ae : integer;
        be : integer;
        for i in 1 .. limit loop
            if ca <= a'length then
                ae := a(ca);
                ae := integer'last;
            end if;
            if cb <= b'length then
                be := b(cb);
                be := integer'last;
            end if;
            if ae < be then
                merged(i) := ae;
                ca := ca + 1; 
                merged(i) := be;
                cb := cb + 1;
            end if;
        end loop;
        return merged;

    function get_median_even
        (a: in sequence; b: in sequence) return float is
        n : integer := a'length + b'length;
        m1 : integer := n/2;
        m2 : integer := (n/2)+1;
        c : sequence := partial_merge(a, b, m2);
        put("merged: ");
        return float(c(m1)+c(m2))/2.0;

    function get_median_odd
        (a: in sequence; b: in sequence) return float is
        n : integer := a'length + b'length;
        m : integer := (n/2)+1; -- index of median
        c : sequence := partial_merge(a, b, m);
        put("merged: ");
        return float(c(m));

    -- first solution
    function get_median
        (a: in sequence; b: in sequence) return float is
        n : integer := a'length + b'length;
        if n mod 2 = 1 then
    -- if my length is 7, then i need the 4th index
            return get_median_odd(a,b);
        -- if my length is 4 then i need 2+2+1/2
        -- if my length is 6 then i need 3+3+1/2
            return get_median_even(a,b);
        end if;

The Optimal Solution

Meeting O(log(n+m)) requires some form of binary search.2 The logic is easy to follow if there was one array involved. But writing this function took more time than I anticipated. It was the buggiest and most often broken section of code. However, if it gets the same answer as the other function, I consider it a pass.3

Cases covered:

    function get_median_optimal
        (a : in sequence; b : in sequence) return float is
        n : integer := a'length;
        m : integer := b'length;
        low  : integer := 1;
        high : integer := a'length;
        mid_a : integer;
        mid_b : integer;
        left_a  : integer;
        right_a : integer;
        left_b  : integer;
        right_b : integer;
        answer : float;
        iterations : integer := 0;
        target : float := foo.log(float(m+n));
        if n < m then
            return get_median_optimal(b, a);
        end if;
        while low <= high loop
            mid_a := (low+high)/2; -- 6/2 = 3
            mid_b := ((1+m+n)/2) - mid_a; -- 10/2 - 3 = 2
            if mid_a <= 0 then
                left_a := integer'first;
            else -- mid_a < a'length then
                left_a := a(mid_a);
            end if;
            if mid_a < a'length then
                right_a := a(mid_a+1);
                right_a := integer'last;
            end if;
            -- b is the shorter array - avoid out of bounds
            if mid_b <= 0 then
                left_b := integer'first;
            elsif mid_b < b'length then
                left_b := b(mid_b);
            elsif mid_b >= b'length then
                left_b := b(b'last);
            end if;
            if mid_b < 0 then
                right_b := b(b'first);
            elsif mid_b < b'length then
                right_b := b(mid_b+1);
                right_b := integer'last;
            end if;
            -- both left values are less than both right values
            if (left_a <= right_b) 
            and (left_b <= right_a) then
                if ((n + m) mod 2) = 0 then
                    answer := float(
                        integer'max(left_a, left_b) 
                        + integer'min(right_a, right_b)
                    ) / 2.0;
                    answer := float(integer'max(left_a, left_b));
                end if;
            elsif (left_a > right_b) then
                high := mid_a - 1;
            elsif (left_b > right_a) then
                low := mid_a + 1;
            end if;
            iterations := iterations +1;
        end loop;
        put("iterations: " & iterations'image);
        put("; target: O(ln(m+n)) = " & target'image);
        if float(iterations) <=  target then
            put(" ✓");
        end if;
        return answer;

Sample Test Cases and Results

a =  1 3
b =  2
merged:  1 2
iterations:  0; target: O(ln(m+n)) =  1.09861E+00 ✓
median =   2.0
test case # 1 passed
a =  1 2
b =  3 4
merged:  1 2 3
iterations:  1; target: O(ln(m+n)) =  1.38629E+00 ✓
median =   2.5
test case # 2 passed
a =  1 2 3 4 10
b =  5 6 11
merged:  1 2 3 4 5
iterations:  1; target: O(ln(m+n)) =  2.07944E+00 ✓
median =   4.5
test case # 3 passed
a =  1 2 3 4 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 27 30
b =  5 6 11
merged:  1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12
iterations:  2; target: O(ln(m+n)) =  2.77259E+00 ✓
median =  11.5
test case # 4 passed

  1. https://notabug.org/scuti/lib3ddevil1/src/master/src/devil1geo.c#L113↩︎

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation#Orders_of_common_functions↩︎

  3. https://notabug.org/scuti/00-adaprogramming/src/master/src/leet4_median.adb#L185↩︎
