Avatar scuti

Formerly at scuti@teknik.io.

My software projects are now hosted on NotABug/scuti by Peers Community. The programming languages I generally use are C, C++, Python, Lua, and Ada.

J'étudie la lang française.

I also have a basic understanding of Lojban.

40 notes


#layerone(2) #gardening(3) #lojban(9) #francais(4) #minetest(5) #bookmark(8) #surf(5) #programming(8) #__pages__(5) #leetcode(2)


[1] [0]

"Hey, can I take a picture of your shirt?"


The shirts given out at LayerOne had two variations. The staff shirts were green while the attendee shirts were dark blue. The graphic design on the shirts have a sequence in hex which can be decoded into a message that was part of a game within the event.

When asked about the hex sequence, the staff will generally say, the codes are the same or that the shirts are the same except for the colors which is correct but not in the way they expected.



Me assembling the badge for Layer One 2024.

This year's badge was a programmed fidget spinner with a row of lights. When spun, the lights would display text such as "HACK THE PLANET" depending on the mode set by pressing the button. However, the middle part had to be broken off, and I wanted to keep the whole thing intact.

My favorite effect was the rotations per minute counter.



I found strawberry sprouts in my compost bin and put them in a temporary container.



la .skail.21x. le sampli poi pilno la .linux. cu nunjmaji.i le se dunda cu cafne snipa pixra lo zipcpi.i


The duality of SCALE 21x: the FSF, for example, gave away anti-GitHub stickers while not being so far from the Github booth.

(le se nunjmaji cu cinri.)

En plus, un autocollant indique, "il n'y a pas de cloud, seulement des ordinateurs d'autres personnes"



mi fi lo runmenli pu tipre.i ri mi lo samselpla noi selci'a fo la .piton. pu spuda.i lo semselpla cu tolspofu .i ku'i le sumji cu selpau du'e namcu.i


I wonder which GitHub repo did it rip the source code from, or if it was legitimately generated on the spot.


lo pendo be mi lo semselkei pu dunda.i je mi ri pu samyzilkeikei.i la .sakunan. cu ralselylispre.i ri cu banro le rismi gi'e damba le pacycrida.i le lisri .e le zgike cu xamgu.i

le kibypapri cu skicu le semselkei.i


My friend gifted a video game, and I played it. The one named Sakuna is the protagonist. She grows rice and fights demons. The story and the music are good.

The web page describes the game.

A review of a hybrid farming simulation and side-scroller; the exile and journey of the harvest and warrior goddess Sakuna.



mi kurji lo gerku.i le gerku cu nitcu ci prenu pu le nu stuvi'e le panka.i



Some girl takes my unimpressive looking gift from the gifts table:

"Oh! It's Steam!"

(A Steam wallet card.)

"Ooh, Steam," a few others notice.

"... What's Steam?" the hostess says, looking a bit confused.

(I played white elephant.) Also what I got from a Christmas party:

  1. a soft blanket
  2. three bottles of alcohol (more than I can drink on my own)
  3. a card with Santa Claus on it
  4. a candy bag (not in photo, eaten)

Today, I read into yes/no questions. Since the community is small, it is reasonable to ask if there are active or online users.




I couldn't find a definition for 'online'.

"lo sampli cu .akti."

(A user is active.)

"xu lo sampli cu .akti."

(Is a user active?)

'xu' is an interjection that indicates a question, so question marks are not necessary. 'xu' be placed anywhere in a sentence.

"lo xu sampli cu .akti"

(Is any user active?)

"lo sampli xu cu .akti."

(Is it a user that is active?)

"lo sampli cu .akti xu."

(A user, is he or she active?)



Mon ami français s'est connecté au serveur Minetest. Il habite dans une cabane distante de la ville. Avant, il a acheté des provisions, mais aujourd'hui, il creé une ferme.

Underlined are words or phrases of the day.

  • Je vais agrandir la cabane. Elle devient trops petite.
  • La fois prochaine, je me mettrai à la recherche de semence.
  • Ah oui. Comment on fait pour récupéré une ruche ?

In English:

  • I am going to expand the cabin. It became too small.
  • (rough) Next time, I am putting myself to search for seeds.
  • Ah yes. How does one recover a (bee)hive?

(Minetest spawns bee nests on trees given a simple rule regardless of biome or proximity to flowers. He lives in a savannah where flowers don't grow. So when bee nests spawn on trees, the colony dies.)

#minetest #francais


Hier soir, je joué Minetest avec quelqu'un de France. Some noteworthy sentences:

  1. Je suis déjà mort deux fois. mais pour l'instant je suis en bonne santé.
  2. On peut en faire quelque chose les toiles d'arraignée ?
  3. Il ne vaut mieux pas tomber là dedans. On ne retrouverait meme pas les os.


  1. I already died twice, but for the moment, I am in good health.
  2. We can do something about the webs of spiders? (We found webs made by monsterous spiders.)
  3. It is better not to fall in there. We wouldn't even recover the bones. (We found a lava lake.)

The third sentence is an odd phrase that doesn't follow the general rule in that "ne ... pas" wraps around the verb ("faut"); instead, "faut mieux" is negated.

Another way to write "it's better not (to fall)" is

"il vaut mieux ne pas (tomber)".

In this case, the infinitive is just negated with "ne...pas" preceding it.

#minetest #francais


The Lojban dictionary gives the following definition for the word "tu'a".

tu'a — extracts a concrete sumti from an unspecified abstraction; equivalent to le nu/su'u [sumti] co'e.

The definition is difficult to understand, and most Lojban dictionaries do not have example sentences. The word was necessary to express:

"I practice more than one language."

Which translates to:

Ipracticemore thanonelanguage

A very nice person gave me another example to help me understand the word.

"I try the door."

In a natural language, this can be interpreted as trying to open the door. Someone in real life stands in front of a door with a hand on the handle, what that someone is attempting to do can be inferred by the function of a door. However, Lojban is more literal.

"mi troci lo nu kargau le vorme"

(I try to open the door.)

"tu'a" leaves the specific activity to be inferred.

"mi troci tu'a le vorme."

(I try [something related to] the door.)



I found this webpage for learning Lojban. Today, I read to the part about numbers.


In parenthesis are words that would make the sentence more complex than I am able to translate to Lojban.

I ate two apples (today).mi pu citka re pliseJ'ai mangé deux pommes (aujourd'hui)
I practice more than one language (at a time).mi crezenzu'e tu'a(?) za'u pa bangu.Je pratique plus d'un langue (à la fois).
I bought less than 14 items (from the store).mi pu erve me'i pa vo dacti.J'ai acheté moins de quartorze objets (du boutique).

I initially came up with mi crezenzu'e za'u pa bangu. A user had said that the second place of "crezenzu'e" must be an activity which a quantity of language does not satisfy.

#lojban #francais


This is a syntactic parser for Lojban to verify sentences.


(I don't have a human tutor or a English-Lojban machine translator.) There is little explanation in the output, but I somewhat figured it out.

A Lojban video gave three example sentences; one of which is valid but does not make sense.

LojbanTokenization by ParserEnglish
1mi mlatu([mi CU] [mlatu VAU])I am a cat
2mi mlatu lo jutrperjan([mi CU] [mlatu {<lo jutrperja KU> VAU}])I am a cat of breed Persian
3mi mlatu jutrperjan([mi CU] [{mlatu jutrperja} VAU])I am "cat Persian breed"

My interpretation:

'mlatu' is a 'selbri' (relation) that means "x is a cat breed of y".

  1. x = 'mi' (I/me)
  2. x = 'mi' (I/me), y = 'lo jutrperjan' (a Persian)
  3. x = 'mi'; without 'lo' the selbri 'mlatu' is now compound with 'jutrperjan'



I watched a video about Lojban.


Based on the information in the video, I tried translating "I watched a video about Lojban" to Lojban. As the language is not structured around nouns and verbs but relations, I broke my sentence into two components.

I, videoI watched a videomi pu mencti lo skina
video, Lojbanthis video is about Lojbanti skina lo jbobau

I tried forming the sentence: mi pu mencti skina lo jbobau

But I'm not confident in combining "skina" (x1 is a video/film about x2 by filmmaker x3 for audience x4) and "mencti" (c1 mentally consumes c2) into a compound relation. But I found someone to ask. Their answer:

it should be something like "mi pu mencti le jbobau skina" or "mi pu mencti le skina pe le jbobau"



I built a longhouse in Minetest which is used as a barn-themed shop for the town it's in. I used a Fachhallenhaus for reference.



pic: a group of unripe tomato growing. I had no idea suckers could sprout from fruit stems.



Around last election season, I had been linked "Simulating alternate voting systems" by Primer on YouTube.


The video content parallels this online book.


I had assumed compared to plurality voting, the electoral method in the US, approval voting would be harder to verify because each voter can cast an n number of votes for candidates.



I incidentally found this article on wiby when I was looking for information about OpenGraph.


"We were promised Strong AI, but instead we got metadata analysis" by Cal Peterson

The page has human readable source, and I copied and added the tags with "og:" to one of my webpages (the one about a vending machine in minetest).

Not feeling enthusiastic about the changes as it turns out OpenGraph is mainly for getting attention on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Discord which I don't have any presence on. But it's more effort to go back and erase the tags from my template.

Also a required property is og:image. For some of my pages, grabbing an image for the sake of a card on social media doesn't make sense. I'm also half-certain any images I use from neocities for og:image may instead get hotlink blocked.

I have to wonder how much of SEO is diverting focus away from creating meaningful content and towards adding metadata formats and gimmicks that may or may not obsolete over time. (Do XML site maps still get used?)



This is a commit from the repo for my guestbook script. I had told myself that this is a remarkable example.


I wrote it late at night; I was tired; I was frustrated; it didn't work as I intended; and I was constantly hitting the Up Arrow key in my terminal. It was more confusing than it had to be, and I took a break. Just because I took a break, I was able to write a much simpler version of the function (right above).

