Formerly at scuti@teknik.io.
My software projects are now hosted on NotABug/scuti by Peers Community. The programming languages I generally use are C, C++, Python, Lua, and Ada.
Je joue le jeu Minetest avec mes amis français.
mi cu ciska lo tu'itsku bau lo jbobau.i je te lerfanva la .kirilits. (шои!)
4 notes#blogroll(11) #programming(11) #chemistry(1) #git(2) #california(1) #lojban(12) #francais(5) #scihub(1) #layerone(2) #gardening(3) #minetest(5) #bookmark(8) #surf(5) #leetcode(2) #music(1)
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fanfiction writer and python user. <h1>trololo</h1> long self-description truncation test 0987654321 abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ежеви́ка клу...
Plays video games on Linux and uploads videos on to PeerTube. Haunted by strange dreams regularly.
Compulsively dissecting video games